Lime Kiln Road Temporary Crosswalk Installation

The Public Works Department has installed a temporary crosswalk on Lime Kiln Road to test the location of a crosswalk. Your feedback will help locate a permanent crosswalk. Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey to share your thoughts at This installation and survey will be available until August 31st.

crosswalk on lime kiln 2Why put a crosswalk on Lime Kiln?

The Public Works Department has been working with the Bike and Pedestrian Committee to identify small scale projects throughout the City that create safe streets for all users (walkers, bikers, and drivers).  This project is one example of a location where a low-cost installation can provide needed infrastructure that benefits many residents.  This stretch of road is one of the City’s gateways for travel to and from adjacent communities to the north and carries on average 7,300 vehicles a day. Currently there is not a crosswalk for residents who are crossing to access the Winooski Gorge Park, the school bus stop, or the sidewalk on the west side.

What would a permanent crosswalk look like?

If the current crosswalk location is endorsed by residents, the graphic below depicts what the final installation could provide including lighted beacons activated by push button and an ADA ramp.