Project Alternatives

Comments on these alternatives were collected for February 5, 2015

These comments were collected to help the project team understand what South Burlington would like to see in this natural area park. 

  • Plans on the left are circulation options showing major paths and type of path.
  • Plans on the right show the one piece of land the City owns, Dumont Park, and how it may be reimagined to function as a park in relation to other parcels and City Center.
  • Darker areas are areas recommended for acquisition and incorporation into the park.
  • See amenity options for ideas on what could be located in the park.
  • Click on images to see a standalone enlarged version and hold down the control key and roll a mouse roller (or other zoom feature) to zoom in and out.

Option A

Circulation_A CityCenterPark_Concepts_A-D_OPT_Page_1

Option B


Option C

Option D

Amenity Options