Proposed Lindenwood Stormwater Treatment System

Lindenwood Drive Proposed Stormwater Treatment System

The City of South Burlington- Stormwater Team is currently working on the design of detention basin to be located at the end of Lindenwood Drive, within a City-owned lot. The proposed treatment system will manage runoff from a 10.57-acre area, including 2.2 acres of impervious surface.

The proposed system is located within the Potash Brook watershed, which is listed as impaired by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR). The cause of impairment in Potash Brook is uncontrolled stormwater runoff, which leads to erosion, impacting the habitat needed for aquatic biota and fish to thrive. In an effort to reduce the velocity of stormwater entering the stream, the proposed system will detain the flow from the average 1-year storm (2.1 inches over the course of 24 hours) and slowly release the water back into the watershed. In addition to the channel protection provided, the system is designed to improve water quality by removing pollutants from smaller storm events.

The project proposes to capture flow from a portion of Brewer Parkway as well as the flow from the upper section of Lindenwood Drive. Currently, the Brewer Parkway portion of the flow outlets into a ravine adjacent to the bike path, leading to erosion. There is not any collection system on the upper stretch of Lindenwood Drive, leading to significant ponding in the roadway after relatively small storm events. The proposed project is funded by a grant from Vermont Agency of Transportation, which will cover 80% of the design and construction cost (currently estimated to total $383,000).

For more information visit the project website!

The design of the system is still in its early development. We will be hosting a presentation followed by a question and comment period on Tuesday, Feb. 9th at the Planning Commission meeting.