Spring Ephemeral Prep

Spring ephemeral season is upon us, and to help you prepare for it, we want to invite you to take a look at an online tutorial that will help you identify some of the most common spring blooms that show up in our natural areas every year.  The video is being shared by Alicia Daniel, a naturalist in Burlington and creator of the Vermont Master Naturalist Program.  She is going to be leading a webinar on spring ephemerals for the City in May, and hopes that interested webinar participants will watch her video and also take a hike to see what flowers might be popping up early.  When you visit a natural area or park to hunt for spring ephemerals, please take only pictures and stay on the trail.  To view the tutorial, please follow this link.  The City will announce the May webinar opportunity as we get closer to it.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Ashley Parker: aparker@sburl.com.