Climate Action Task Force Underway; EPA Household Carbon Footprint Calculator

Climate Action Task Force Underway; EPA Household Carbon Footprint Calculator

The City’s brand-new Climate Action Plan Task Force held its first meeting shortly after Thanksgiving. Each member introduced themselves and shared their hopes and expectations for the work of the Task Force. Their task will be to work with our consultant to prepare the City’s first-ever Climate Action Plan, designed to meet the ambitious targets laid out in State Law and through the Paris Accord.

At the top of many members’ minds was the importance of this being a community effort. Meaningful change will come from the community as a whole, as members expressed a desire to help build these into the values of our community to address climate change.

The Task Force is made up of representatives from the City’s Energy Committee, Natural Resources & Conservation Committee, City Council, Planning Commission, Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee, Affordable Housing Committee, Economic Development Committee, and staff. Their next meeting will be in early January. For more information, visit the Climate Action Plan website:

Climate Tool of the Month: The EPA has handy calculator to measure your own household’s carbon footprint and provide tips based on where your household’s energy use is coming from. Give it a try!