The Listen Up Movie

The Listen Up Movie

Have you even wondered what is going on in the minds of teenagers? In this recorded musical, Vermont teens will tell you! Listen Up is an original musical inspired, created, and performed by Vermont teens that went live during the summer of 2021. The show goes to the heart of current youth issues, including mental health, resilience, racial justice, sexual identity, friendship, love, family, community, social justice and current issues that young people are grappling with including COVID, climate change and the future of Vermont for young people. The filmed version will show in the Auditorium and will be followed by Q&A with Producer Bess O’Brien, award winning documentary filmmaker and several actors. Amar Vargas who is a teen cast member said “We just want to inspire adults to learn more about the stuff that teens are going through that they might not think about. Listen Up brings these issues into the light.” For more information and to watch clips of the movie go to

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