A Message from the VT Department of Health

A Message from the VT Department of Health

We received a report of the start of a cyanobacteria (blue green algae) bloom along South Beach Road in South Burlington. We have posted these reports with photos on our online cyanobacteria tracker map: https://ahs-vt.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=a46d42c05e864a198ab5dc152f9d09b9

Blooms tend to pop up in the late morning and disappear in the evening when the sun goes away, so it is important to check for blooms in the middle of the day between 10am-4pm.

People may experience allergy-like reactions after coming in contact with cyanobacteria, and if they or pets drink the water, they may experience more severe symptoms. Because of this, it is important that people and their pets stay clear of water where there are cyanobacteria. More information, including a video on recognizing cyanobacteria blooms, is available on our website: www.healthvermont.gov/cyanobacteria

To report a bloom, please contact BloomAlert@vermont.gov