Timeline (2018-2019)

While the need for active indoor space in our community has been established for the past two decades, this timeline represents the most recent initiatives for this project.

August 1, 2018  
City Council accepted a resolution put forth by the Recreation and Park Committee, endorsing the current concept and programming plan to create an indoor active recreation center.

January 14, 2019
The Recreation and Parks Committee and Recreation and Parks Director submitted a needs and priority list for an indoor recreation center to City Council for review. The list prioritized spaces for operations and programs, as well as a list of desired spaces for future expansion.

January 17, 2019
Dore and Whittier presented a conceptual design for a new indoor active recreation center to be located at Veterans Memorial Park.  This highly desirable location would provide connectivity to Cairns Ice Arena and the enhanced food services they will be providing, as the renovate and move toward a central entrance. 

March 2019
Voters were presented with a ballot item to increase the local options tax at the Annual Meeting.  This ballot item could have been a potential funding source for building an Indoor Active Recreation Center.

June 6, 2019
Recreation and Parks Committee reviewed the proposed RFQ before it went public.

July 5, 2019
RFQ submissions due to Project Manager

July 11, 2019
Staff meet to review RFQ submissions and develop a recommendation to City Council.

July 15, 2019
City Council considered the recommendation and approved entering into a contract with Freeman, French, and Freeman for $175,000.

August 26, 2019
Stakeholder meetings and a Public Forum were held at City Hall. During this time, information about the community's needs was gathered. BH+A Architect Joel Bargman facilitated the meetings and recorded the information,

August 28, 2019
Indoor Active Recreation Survey went live via Survey Monkey. The community was notified via ads in the Other Paper, announced on Front Porch Forum, on the City's website and through the City's social media channels.

September 9, 2019
The online survey closed and all information was forwarded to BH+A Consulting in preparation of the next round of concepts for public review and input.

September 17, 2019
Public Forum with BH+A to review design options and solicit public input to narrow focus to one preferred design to then build out costs for.

November 2019
A cost analysis will be completed for the preferred design, in preparation for a recommendation to City Council. 

December 2019
City Council will review and consider action on the proposed plan.